3 Traits of a Strong Woman

3 Traits of a Strong Woman

 “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”– Diane Mariechild


A strong woman knows that her strength comes from God and is thankful for the things that He has entrusted to her care.  Being grateful for what you have is the first step of building your inner strength and finding happiness.  When you are grateful, it is difficult to envy what your neighbors and friends have.  You realize that what you have is a blessing and you stress less about how to get to the next level of what you perceive as success.

To practice being grateful – keep a little notebook beside your bed or in your purse – and each day write down one thing for which you are grateful!  It can be as small as being thankful for having all of the ingredients to cook a healthy dinner without having to go to the grocery store – to as big as being alive to live another day!


Being humble does not make you weak!  There is often a perception that quiet leaders are not strong leaders, especially when that leader is a woman.  Strength does not have to be loud or boastful to gain respect.  I have seen enormous strength in the faces of women in meetings who communicate with their eyes, gestures, and body language.  When these women speak – they speak with integrity, humility, and intellect!  Strong women know that they do not always have to give their opinion in every conversation but will provide it when the situation warrants it.

 Loving Fiercely

Strong women are the rocks of their families and communities!  She loves her husband, children, and other loved ones fiercely and completely!  That love is expressed through her words, actions, and non-action.  She knows when to intercept her children’s mistakes and when to let them fail.  She knows when to give her husband words of encouragement and when to give him an uncomfortable push that he needs.  A strong woman holds the ones that she loves to her high expectations because she wants the best for them but at the same time holds herself to even higher ones!

 So women know that you are the full circle of strength!  Know your worth! Believe in your worth! Exude your worth!